GRANTE Antenna Fejlesztő és Gyártó Zrt.





The aim of the project is to provide support to GRANTE Antenna Developer and Manufacturer Ltd. to counteract the negative economic impacts suffered by the United Kingdom following its withdrawal from the European Union.

Beneficiary’s name: GRANTE Antenna Developer and Manufacturer Ltd.

Project title: Infrastructure Development at Grante Zrt.

Project identification number: BAR-1.1.1-22-2022-00011

Detailed description of the project:

To successfully implement and introduce ongoing and future innovations at GRANTE, and to facilitate international expansion, it is crucial to establish forward-looking infrastructure.

Through infrastructure development:

  1. Full renovation of one of the largest buildings from the 1970s, covering 2960m2, complemented by a recently constructed 330m2 hall directly connected to it, providing space for all necessary production and specific objectives.

  2. Provision of space for two impressive showrooms, showcasing 3D products, new types of dual-band 5G antenna systems, and existing telecommunications products.

  3. Establishment of a globally significant 3D printing research and development laboratory to accelerate further innovations by the 3D development team, along with a professional pilot plant for 3D printers, accessories, and other developments.

IT developments within existing office spaces:

  1. Creation of an ideal working environment for recruiting and retaining development engineers.

  2. Establishment of a well-equipped training center for the continuous education of colleagues and training of our industrial partners and customers.

Procurement of a new CNC machining center and universal lathe:

  1. Acquisition of a new machine is essential due to the current workload and the heavy use of our existing machines. Traditional lathes are also utilized for numerous custom manufacturing and development iterations, and thus, acquiring a new universal lathe is imperative.

Installation of solar panels:

  1. The company considers it important to minimize its ecological footprint where possible. Therefore, we aim to utilize the opportunity provided by the grant to install a solar panel system. Additionally, we have assessed our energy consumption and find renewable energy sources to be an economically viable solution.

We are convinced that through these infrastructural developments, we can accelerate GRANTE’s expansion into international markets in both the strategic microwave antenna and 3D printing sectors.

Project completion date: 2024.05.31

Milestone completion status:

  • Establishment of a solar power plant on the roof structure of the existing 2960m2 hall, consisting of 258 solar panels and 2 industrial inverters, has been completed.
  • Procurement and commissioning of the MCV 1100 Quick vertical machining center have been completed.
  • Procurement and commissioning of the SN 50 C / 1500 lathe have been completed.
  • Structural renovation of the 1200m2 section within the 2960m2 building, including the replacement of copolymer glass with sandwich panels, replacement of openings, and installation of insulated gates, has been completed.

Milestone completion status:

  • Hall renovation: 20% – this may be higher if you think it’s better
  • Equipment procurement: 90%
  • Purchase of IT equipment: 0% (to be completed in the next milestone)

Financial readiness level: 15%